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Event Calendar

Working Effectively with Substance Affected Families

Wednesday, January 8, 2025
12:00 pm2:00 pm

2 DAY TRAINING This training will assist family support and child welfare workers in understanding the process of addiction and recovery and how it affects the family. Participants will explore the risks and safety concerns associated with parental substance use disorders and how a family team can support a family in recovery. Information learned will be implemented in two case scenarios and shared as a group.

Participants will:
• Describe the five steps of the cycle of substance misuse and addiction.
• Define the pathways of recovery.
• Demonstrate the potential child safety and risk concerns associated with parental substance use disorders and the importance of monitoring safety plans by applying this knowledge to a case planning exercise.
• Explain how the family team can support recovery.

Our Program Partners

  • Lions
  • Kroger
  • DCFS
  • Optima
  • Poshard
  • Prevent Child Abuse
  • Illinois CASA
    Illinois CASA
  • National CASA
  • New Hope
    New Hope