Beyond Corporal Punishment: The No Hit Zone Strategy for Reducing Child Abuse

This webinar will challenge the myths and highlight the harms associated with corporal punishment, examining the deep-rooted social norms that sustain its use. Physical discipline remains one of the most significant risk factors for child abuse in the United States and across many cultures, where traditional beliefs and practices often influence parenting styles. Understanding corporal punishment as a public health issue is crucial in preventing child maltreatment. Family-serving professionals may feel uncomfortable addressing the topic of spanking, but many parents are relieved to learn that they have positive, culturally sensitive alternatives. By fostering dialogue around safe, effective, parenting strategies, we can promote the health and well-being of all children. This webinar will also explore the role of No Hit Zones as a practical and inclusive solution to reduce corporal punishment and create safer environments for children, regardless of cultural background.
Participants will be able to:
Distinguish at least three myths from the key facts about spanking
Describe three elements of the latest research on the harms of corporal punishment
Identify three key trauma-informed strategies for safe and effective parenting